Tuesday, 7 April 2009


Baby Brayden

Sorry for the delay, but baby Brayden is here and we are both well. He was born March 23rd at 9:53 am weighing in at 5 pounds 3 ounces and 17 inches long. Let me start by saying what a day!!! I went into hospital on Sunday night (March 22nd) at around 5:00 pm. I was checked in and sent off to my room to start my blood treatments. The nurses advised that my surgery would probably be around 10 am the next morning as long as my fibrinogen level had increased enough. Well Monday morning things seemed to move alot quicker then expected. My blood levels from 6 am came back really good so by 8:30 am I was off to labor and delivery to get ready for the surgery. Once in the operating room the doctors and nurses spent about an hour putting in several IV line, arterial line and spinal block. Once all was done and my OB arrived the surgery was under way. I was scared out of my mind and crying about how things would go then my silly other half fell off his stool in the operating room which was completely hillarious!!! Changed my mood for the whole operation. It really wasn`t as bad as what I had expected. The weirdest part was having my legs and stomach all numb. All I was able to feel really was some tugging and pulling. After about 15 minutes little baby Brayden came crying into this world. It was the most amazing thing for the doctor to pull down the curtain and there he was, my perfect little 34 weeker weighing in at 5 pounds 3 ounces. The nurses took the baby to clean him up and all I could think about was if he was going to be ok. After about 10 minutes he proved to mommy that he was so strong that he didn`t need any help and was back in mommy's arms. The surgery itself took a total of about 1 hour to complete once the spinal was in place and working. I lost about 500ml of blood, which the doctor said was normal for a C-section and for someone with my blood condition, it was amazing. After the surgery I was takin to recovery for 3 or 4 hours for observation then transferred back to my room on labor and delivery where I stayed until Thursday. In total after the surgery I received 1 unit of whole blood and continous infusions of fibrinogen concentrate (blood products) until Thursday. I was then taken downstairs to the ward overnight and was put on daily infusions of fibrinogen. My sweet boy did not spend any time in the NICU, he spent all his time with mommy in her room. It took a little bit of effort to get him feeding and sucking but we have made it there in the end. Poor baby had a little bruise in his hand and finger from blood work, but thank god he does not have any type of blood condition. Finally on Friday night we were both discharged and got to come home for the first time. Other than being very very sore from the C-section we are both doing very well and enjoying every single moment together. :) Will post pictures as soon as and a special thanks to all who were praying for us :)