Thursday, 5 March 2009

Hospital stay

Well I'm back home after a 4 day stay in the hospital. On sunday I was lying in bed when I started having a visual disturbance like the room was spinning and felt really dizzy along with headaches and swelling. So I decided to ring the hospital and they told me to come in to be checked out. The OB on call decided to admit me for observation to keep an eye on my blood pressure. For the most part my blood pressure was fine and the headache seemed to wear off but was still having a lot of swelling in my fingers and legs. Then on Monday night at about 2:30 in the morning I woke up to go to the toilet and was having really bad pains down low on my stomach. At that point I asked the nurse for some pain medication (tylenol). She noticed I seemed in quite a bit of pain so she took me back to my bed and had a feel of my tummy and noticed I was contracting. She put me on the monitor and sure enough I was having contractions every 2 minutes for about 30 minutes. The nurse went ahead and paged the doctor on call to come down and check me out then said "If you keep this up you might meet your baby sooner than you think!" From that point I was really scared because I want him to stay in at least a few weeks longer. When the doctor arrived thankfully my contractions had started to ease up. During her exam she said I wasn't dilated nor was my cervix getting short. All was good news, they left me on the monitor for another hour and all settled and was able to go back to sleep. Since I have only had a few minor contractions but nothing to worry about. I was discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon and have felt ok. Still have quite a bit of soreness around my pelvic bone but other that that not much else. I did have my appointment with my regular OB yesterday and she advised she will be booking my C-section during the week of March 23rd (34 weeks gestation). Am getting very nervous knowing that my little one will be here in a little more than 2 weeks. Just hope he stays put until then and continues to grow strong for his big birthday :)

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